• Summer Holidays @ Woodgate Beach

    First of all … how quickly has this year gone?? I can’t believe we are now planning for our Christmas party !!! Have you had a chance to take a holiday this year? Well we have discovered 10 good reasons you should make tracks to Woodgate Beach for a quick[…]

  • Winter School Holidays at Woodgate Beach

    Can you believe we are half way through the year and the June / July 2022 school holidays are about to start? These holidays are already very popular and Woodgate Beach Houses has limited availability. Lets look at five great things to do while holidaying in Winter here at Woodgate[…]

  • Christmas at Woodgate Beach

    Christmas 2020: Christmas at Woodgate Beach Houses is gearingup to be a huge one.  After the devastating bush fires last year, this year has proven to be an interesting one wouldn’t you agree?  The resort is fully booked from the 21st December until the second week of January. If there[…]